Issue Position: Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Many Americans think Immigration reform means strengthening our boarders and it does. And I would take our National Guard soldiers and put them on the boarders until we could approach a near 100% closure for illegal aliens. But real immigration reform means redlining the bureaucratic paperwork in Washington to make it easier for our farmers to bring foreign field workers to this country and develop a healthcare fund for them that both the worker and the farmer would contribute to. The farmer could take a 1 and ½ time tax credit for his contribution and the foreign worker would not be a burden on our healthcare system any more. Real immigration reform would speed up the process and increase the numbers of professionals such as doctors, scientists and engineers who are needed NOW for the thousands of job openings in our country. If we want to keep jobs in America we need to help industry to have the kind of labor force that they need NOW.
